Saturday, August 11, 2018


for english review, scroll until you see the yellow highlight.


TIMECRIMES begitu simpel tanpa mengelaborasi panjang teori dengan langsung jump to the action meski predictable jangan terkecoh, film ini akan bermain absurd dengan fun trip menegangkan dan menggelitik.

Jika PRIMER terlalu pintar untukmu mungkin tak sanggup bertahan pada perbincangan jenius, TIMECRIMES mengemas kisah time-travel dalam sajian ringan, dan sesederhana mungkin. Begitupun, tidak menutup kemungkinan betapa briliannya Nacho Vigalondo, sang sutradara yang mampu mengemas film menjadi bak pengalaman konsekuensi yang fun.

TIMECRIMES sendiri bisa dibilang film indie spanyol. Hector disini jadi karakter utama. Pulang kerja bawa barang pesanan istri di rumah, hidup sabar meski tekanan kecil kerap mencoba meruntuhkannya, mulai dari istrinya yang tidak mendengarnya, dan tidurnya yang tidak tenang. Hector kerap mengintip lewat teropongnya melihat sesuatu yang manatahu dapat yang segar-segar, which he got one, but weird. Dari sini, cerita semakin menarik rasa penasaran yang membawa kita ke sebuah asal mula.

Seorang perempuan berdiri dengan kepala menunduk, hadir di hutan dengan perlahan membuka bajunya. Ketika istri mengganggu tontonan di depan teropongnya, perempuan tersebut hilang. Hector mencari ke dalam hutan dan terlihat perempuan itu sudah terbaring & suddenly Hector ditusuk oleh seseorang dengan wajah diperban. Pastinya Hector lari, menuju sebuah bangunan terdekat, bertemu dengan, katakan saja, ilmuwan dan menyuruhnya untuk sembunyi di sebuah bak dan ditutup. Ketika keluar, Hector tanpa sengaja telah terlibat dalam paradoks time-travel yang membuatnya kembali ke beberapa jam yang lalu.

Sampai disitu. It isn't a spoiler, at all, okay! Masih aman kok. TIMECRIMES berjalan dengan on-point dan realistis tanpa harus menjelaskan ini itu, cara kerja time-travelnya karena TIMECRIMES yakin, audiens sudah lebih tahu. TIMECRIMES tidak mentok dengan permainan misteri tanpa bikin pecah kepala namun memuaskan pada level sama. Di pertengahan awal, cerita terasa menegangkan, juga misterius dan tone yang rada mirip horror slasher, apalagi ketika berjalan mengikuti arah lampu sudah dibikin deg-degan abis, namun setelah pertengahan plot terasa off atau melemah meski terselamatkan, suspens tetap berjalan sampai berakhir dengan dark humor yang bikin geleng-geleng kepala. Disini karakter Hector seperti memainkan pion. Langkah yang dia ambil meskipun sangat predictable, sampai pertengahan cerita banting setir. Film ini membawa semua hal yang simplistik, sedikit surreal menjadi super fun yang ringan. 

Nacho Vigalondo adalah sutradara berpotensial, filmographynya cukup unik namun namanya overlooked meski Colossal cukup menaikkan namanya. TIMECRIMES jelas, sebuah time-travel story, bermain simplistik tanpa ribet ini itu dan jump to the action yang sungguh memuaskan. Enjoy the trip.

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TIMECRIMES is undemanding, simplistic time-travel story that could balance everything in a bizzare way that you never stop thrills to what it has and a fun trip to join to.

If PRIMER is too clever for you, maybe you can’t handle on what they’re saying though I think it’s an incredible film, there’s TIMECRIMES, little bit adopted on what PRIMER has, also from THE TWILIGHT ZONE. This film is undemanding, simple and that’s how it is. With brilliantly storyteller, Nacho Vigalondo creates this ingineous world into consequences of experience in a fun way.

TIMECRIMES can be said an indie Spanish film. Hector is the main character here. Going home by bringing the stuff for his wife and they living in a forest. So to speak, his life is often attacked with tension even how little it is but he handle it with patient; when his wife doesn’t heard him, and even he can’t sleep and feel bothered on something. Also he sometimes peeking through his binocular whether he could find something pleasure to look at, he got one, and weird. Then the story become more mysterious.

There’s a woman stood with her head down, exist in the forest slowly opening her shirt. When Hector’s wife interrupted the spectacle show in front of his binoculars, that woman disappeared. Hector looked forward into the forest and saw that the woman was lying & suddenly Hector was stabbed by someone with a bandaged face. Certainly Hector ran, headed to a nearby building, met with, let’s say, scientist and told him to hide in a tub and shut down. When he’s out, Hector accidentally was involved in the time-travel paradox that made him back to a few hours ago.

Stop right there. It is not a spoiler, at all, okay! Still safe. TIMECRIMES gives the on-point and is realistic plot without having to explain this or that, how the time-travel works because TIMECRIMES completely confident, that the audience knows much better. TIMECRIMES isn’t stuck by playing the mystery without blowing your mind but results as satisfying at the same level. On the first half, the story feels tense, mysterious and feels like a horror slasher, especially on one scene, when Hector runs to the light paths it completely make me nerve-wracking, but going to the half minutes it feels off or kinda weak although it helped on the next act, suspense still flows through every minutes ‘til it ends with dark humor that blown me away. The Hector's character is like playing a pawn. Every steps he took were very predictable, if you think so, it’s wrong, just prepare. This film really brings all the simplistic things, a little drop of surreal into super fun that is ingenious, and precisely enough.

Nacho Vigalondo is a potential director, his filmography quite good though it seems overlooked, Colossal had brought his name up more. TIMECRIMES clearly, a consequences of time-travel, an experience through it, playing simplistic that jump to the action that resulting best for its idea that he brought. See it and enjoy the trip!

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