Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Directed by: Michael SpierigPeter Spierig
Written by: Pete Goldfinger, Josh Stolberg
Cast: Matt Passmore, Tobin Bell, Callum Keith Rennie, ...

Genre: Horror Mystery Thriller

Film yang aku anticipated banget ditambah adanya sebuah harapan pada sang sutradara yang juga pernah bikin film Predestination and I think, you know how good that is, tetapi mau bagaimana lagi, sebuah film lanjutan pada franchise tampil begitu mengecewakan walau jujur, tetap menghibur (?).

Seperti biasanya, tentang orang-orang yang diculik dan melakukan serangkaian tes mematikan dan harus mengakui kesalahan mereka. Seiring detektif memecahkan sebuah kasus itu, muncul sebuah kabar bahwa sang Jigsaw kembali hidup.

Kembali hidup? Mending nonton kalau mau jawabannya. Secara, SAW (2004) tetap bertengger diatas sana sebagai cult movie yang bagus jika series selanjutnya di sisihkan karena jujur, cuma pelengkap tanpa sesuatu spesial. Lalu, yang ini? I can't say it's the same. Yang jelas film ini masih memberikan sebuah sajian gore dan melihat orang sekarat dengan jebakan-jebakan baru, hanya saja film ini lebih diperkuat dengan investigasi dari detektif sampai pada akhirnya plot twist. Semua terasa pleasurable, enjoyable, dan pretty entertaining dalam lingkup horror.

Tetapi film ini tidak berjalan sesuai yang di inginkan, kembalinya Jigsaw hanya membawa unsur traps dan cerita baru dan formulanya itu-itu saja, bahkan approach dan pengeksekusian horror begitu lazy, nothing special in it. Tidak ada sesuatu yang membuat film ini sangat berkesan, hanya kesan puas begitu-begitu saja. Film ini rasanya seperti bukan kelanjutan tetapi bagai film tunggal maupun film prekuel. Belum lagi pengeksekusian sebuah rasa horror tidak begitu baik dan bergerak hanya pada satu poin yaitu visual gorenya, tak ada rasa mencekam maupun horror yang pernah kita rasakan dalam SAW franchise sebelumnya. Yang bekerja dengan baik hanya pada plot, kesatuan yang cukup solid dan itu saja.

Sebuah konklusi datang bahwa film ini bener-bener sebagai pelengkap sia-sia dan sebenarnya ga perlu banget di buat, jujur tidak ada sesuatu spesial atau materi experience yang lebih menarik maupun lebih mencekam, hanya sebagai pemuas atau penghibur keinginan para fans yang ingin SAW 8. Filmnya ga buruk-buruk amat, cuma lumayan dan masih worth bagi kalian yang penasaran. It's just traps, investigation, then plot twist, enjoyable, lumayan and that's all. Sejujurnya aku suka kok dengan filmnya, hanya sebatas pemuas horror gitu-gitu aja. Decent.

Menurutmu gimana?
Tulis dikomen!


The one that I really anticipated then there's was a hope because of the director that brought to you on Predestination and I think you know how great that was, but then when I watched Jigsaw, it feels disappointing but honestly it still entertaining (?).

Like usual, some people kidnapped and brought to another place and do a series of death traps, dying and survive. Beside the detective solve the mysteries before it's too late, news coming to their ears that Jigsaw is alive.

Alive? I think you should see it to know the answer. For me SAW (2004) is a great Thriller and also a cult film but forget other films in its franchise because it's become nothing but pleasurably look on death traps and converting into thrill and using the same formula. So, now? I can't say it's the same. For clearly I think it's just give you a gore visual and see people dying with new death traps, then the detective investigation that felt solid until it end by the plot twist. That's all, just pleasurable, enjoyable, and pretty entertaining in horror thriller genre but not taking a serious forward to become interesting or fascinating.

This film is not filled my expectation, not so hype for it even I really excited for it, Jigsaw come with new traps, new storyline, but the formula is the same, even the approach and horror thriller execution is lazy, nothing special in it. Nothing very important or have a great reason to make this for than just fulfill the fans needs. It's not a continuity but feels like a single film or prequel. Not to mention how they execute its horror is not effective and just using the gore as a scary and thrill matter. It's not so gripping like I ever felt before in the franchise. What only good to me is just, the plot, solidity, that's it.

I'm very sure that this film was unnecessary to come and nothing special in it. Nothing forward or a great move in it. Like I said, it's just enjoyable, entertaining, and not impressive in everything to become a great work, just decent or probably worst in decision to make from the studio. Just traps, investigation, blend it then put the plot twist, that's all. I liked it but disappointing, it's worth to SAW or gory fans. It's not bad and don't mind the rating because the film is bad, it's just the way you felt and it's subjective.

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